Friday, September 8, 2017

Internships free online, web design, apps, marketing - USA, Europe, Korea, Japan, China, Russia, Moldova, Australia, America, Asia, Africa welcomed!

Internships Online

Internships Online

Internship or Volunteer online and to gain real world Business experience by integrating the knowledge learned in the classroom with on the job training and experience. online. Call us by Skype: IRFFMD
Whatsapp, Viber, Phone: +79811308385
Sales price $1.00
IVAcademy – are inviting students, young people or anybody who would like the opportunity for exposure to a wide range of work and experiences for Internship or Voluntary positions within our rapidly growing, fast-paced organization (available for all students and youth also for those who need to intern or volunteer for their studies, make researches etc.). Groups of any size are also welcomed.
IVAcademy internship is the unique opportunity for an intern to do internship online to gain real world experience by integrating the knowledge learned in the classroom with on the job training and experience. We organize all arrangements for the perfect internship and full support during the program.
IVAcademy provide all sorts of internship placements for:
- Online Sales, Marketing, Product Sourcing & Business: Advertising, Branding, Classifieds Posting, Internet Marketing, Market Research, Social Media Marketing, eCommerce, Business Plans and Recruitment, Financial Research,;
- Web design, Apps android apple windows, Websites, IT & Software, Programming, eLearning, Facebook, Game Design, Google, HTML, Java, Joomla, Wordpress, LiveJornal, Linux, PHP, SEO, Software development,  Search Engine Optimization;
- Writers and Online Media, Writing & Content, Articles, Copywriter, Blogging, Editing, Forum Posting, Poetry; also Video creation and Journalism, Video Bloggers, Content Marketing - promote campaigns in internet;
-Image maker - making booklets, creating video spots, creating thematic photos, creating promotional materials;
- Fundraising and Crowd sourcing- Writing and proof reading grant proposals, researching and contacting sponsors;
- Online Project research and creation – researching grant opportunities and creating projects to fulfill requirements. Justifying proposals with statistical evidence as well as forging domestic and cross-border partnerships;
-International communication -researching and contacting potential International partners;
-Design, Graphic Design, Media & Architecture: 3D Animation, 3D Modeling, Animation, Banner Design, Blog Design, Brochure Design, Commercials, Concept Design, Corporate Identity, Flash, Logo Design, Motion Graphics, Music, Photo Editing, Photoshop, Video
- Interfaith peace building- contact and cooperate with different faiths, developing spiritual life, ministry volunteers, mind and body harmony.
Application instructions: In order to apply send your resume, position request to ( irff @ ) and call us by Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, Phone, Online 24/7  at our official web site

Please help this group grow by spreading the word! So, why not "pay it forward" and tell 5 (or more) people how wonderful  is!
Internships free online, web design, apps, marketing - USA, Europe, Korea, Japan, China, Russia, Moldova, Australia, America, Asia, Africa welcomed!

Coaching Life Online, family and Business, how to create business, became leaders to change and perfect the world for good since 1997. Contact Skype: IRFFMD Whatsapp, Viber, Phone: +79811308385

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World on the way to perfection

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Coaching Life Online, family and Business, how to create business, became leaders to change and perfect the world for good since 1997. Contact Skype: IRFFMD Whatsapp, Viber, Phone: +79811308385

Monday, August 14, 2017

Free Internships Online IT Ecommerce Business Life do internship online gain real world experience by integrating the knowledge learned in the classroom with on the job training and experience

IVAcademy – are inviting students, young people or any volunteers who would like the opportunity for exposure to a wide range of work and experiences for Internship or Voluntary positions within our rapidly growing, fast-paced organization (available for all students and youth also for those who need to intern or volunteer for their studies, make researches etc.). Groups of any size are also welcomed.

IVAcademy internship is the unique opportunity for an intern to do internship online or to visit Russia, study Russian and to gain real world experience by integrating the knowledge learned in the classroom with on the job training and experience. We organize all arrangements for the perfect internship and full support during the program.

IVAcademy provide all sorts of internship placements for:

- Online Sales, Marketing, Product Sourcing & Business: Advertising, Branding, Classifieds Posting, -Internet Marketing, Market Research, Business Plans, Recruitment;

- Websites, IT & Software: Blogging, Programming, eCommerce, eLearning, Facebook, Game Design, Google, HTML, Java, Joomla, Worpress, LiveJornal, Linux, PHP, SEO, Web, Software development; SEO, Search Engine Optimization;

- Online Media, Writing & Content: Articles, copywriter, Blog, Editing, Financial Research, Forum Posting, Poetry; also Video creation and Journalism;

-Bloggers - promote our social campaigns throw internet;

-Image maker - making booklets, creating video spots, creating thematic photos, creating promotional materials;


-Video Bloggers

-Online Fundraising and Crowdsourcing- Writing and proof reading grant proposals, researching and contacting sponsors;

- Online Project research and creation – researching grant opportunities and creating projects to fulfill requirements. Justifying proposals with statistical evidence as well as forging domestic and cross-border partnerships;

-International communication -researching and contacting potential International partners; -Design, -Graphic Design, Media & Architecture: 3D Animation, 3D Modelling, Animation, Banner Design, Blog Design, Brochure Design, Commercials, Concept Design, Corporate Identity, Flash, Logo Design, Motion Graphics, Music, Photo Editing, Photoshop, Video

- Online Teachers - English, French, Italian, Korean, Spanish languages

- Interfaith peacebuilding- contact and cooperate with different faiths, developing spiritual life, ministry volunteers, mind and body harmony.

Application instructions: In order to apply send your telephone number, resume and position request to ( irff @ ) Call us by Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, Phone Online at Also Follow us on Twitter, or even ‘like’ us on Facebook:

Please help this group grow by spreading the word! So, why not "pay it forward" and tell 3 (or more) people how wonderful is!Internships Online

Internships Online

Internship or Volunteer online and to gain real world Business experience by integrating the knowledge learned in the classroom with on the job training and experience. online. Call us by Skype: IRFFMD

Whatsapp, Viber, Phone: +79811308385
Sales price $1.00
DESCRIPTIONIVAcademy – are inviting students, young people or any volunteers who would like the opportunity for exposure to a wide range of work and experiences for Internship or Voluntary positions within our rapidly growing, fast-paced organization (available for all students and youth also for those who need to intern or volunteer for their studies, make researches etc.). Groups of any size are also welcomed.

IVAcademy internship is the unique opportunity for an intern to do internship online or to visit Russia, study Russian and to gain real world experience by integrating the knowledge learned in the classroom with on the job training and experience. We organize all arrangements for the perfect internship and full support during the program.

IVAcademy provide all sorts of internship placements for:

- Online Sales, Marketing, Product Sourcing & Business: Advertising, Branding, Classifieds Posting, -Internet Marketing, Market Research, Business Plans, Recruitment;

- Websites, IT & Software: Blogging, Programming, eCommerce, eLearning, Facebook, Game Design, Google, HTML, Java, Joomla, Worpress, LiveJornal, Linux, PHP, SEO, Web, Software development; SEO, Search Engine Optimization;

- Online Media, Writing & Content: Articles, copywriter, Blog, Editing, Financial Research, Forum Posting, Poetry; also Video creation and Journalism;

-Bloggers - promote our social campaigns throw internet;

-Image maker - making booklets, creating video spots, creating thematic photos, creating promotional materials;


-Video Bloggers

-Online Fundraising and Crowdsourcing- Writing and proof reading grant proposals, researching and contacting sponsors;

- Online Project research and creation – researching grant opportunities and creating projects to fulfill requirements. Justifying proposals with statistical evidence as well as forging domestic and cross-border partnerships;

-International communication -researching and contacting potential International partners; -Design, -Graphic Design, Media & Architecture: 3D Animation, 3D Modelling, Animation, Banner Design, Blog Design, Brochure Design, Commercials, Concept Design, Corporate Identity, Flash, Logo Design, Motion Graphics, Music, Photo Editing, Photoshop, Video

- Online Teachers - English, French, Italian, Korean, Spanish languages

- Interfaith peacebuilding- contact and cooperate with different faiths, developing spiritual life, ministry volunteers, mind and body harmony.

Application instructions: In order to apply send your telephone number, resume and position request to ( irff @ ) Call us by Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, Phone Online at Also Follow us on Twitter, or even ‘like’ us on Facebook:

Please help this group grow by spreading the word! So, why not "pay it forward" and tell 3 (or more) people how wonderful is!
: Free Internships Voluntteer Online IT Ecommerce Business Life do internship online or to visit Russia, study Russian and to gain real world experience by integrating the knowledge learned in the classroom with on the job training and experience

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Turcu Ioana, am 50 de ani și sunt din Brăila. Vă scriu în speranța că veți citi si veți înțelege că sunt într-o situaîie disperată și am mare mare nevoie de un ajutor financiar ca să pot ieși din impasul în care mă aflu. Nu ceream ajutor cu atâta disperare dar chiar nu mai pot credeți-mă. Viata mea a fost cumplită, mi-am pierdut părinții și soțul în doi ani, am 2 operații de ocluzie intestinală și o tumora de coapsă operată și aceea,tot în 2 ani. Acum sunt foarte bolnavă si am nevoie de tratament și analize dar nu am bani

FW: ajutor From: ioana turcu [ Bună ziua, mă numesc Turcu
Ioana, am 50 de ani și sunt din Brăila.
Vă scriu în speranța că veți citi si veți înțelege că sunt
într-o situaîie disperată și am mare mare nevoie de un ajutor financiar ca să
pot ieși din impasul în care mă aflu. Nu ceream ajutor cu atâta disperare dar
chiar nu mai pot credeți-mă. Viata mea a fost cumplită, mi-am pierdut părinții
și soțul în doi ani, am 2 operații de ocluzie intestinală și o tumora de coapsă
operată și aceea,tot în 2 ani. Acum sunt foarte bolnavă si am nevoie de
tratament și analize dar nu am bani. Vă rog vă rog mult să mă ajutați . Faceți
o minune pentru mine va rog din suflet pentru că am ajuns la capătul puterilor.
Povestea mea incepe din anul 2008 cand fostul sot a fost diagnosticat cu
cancer. De atunci au inceput si necazurile pentru ca am fost nevoita sa fac un
credit bancar pe care nu am reusit sa il mai achit din anul 2011, bani necesari
pentru tratamentul lui. El a murit in anul 2010 in decembrie și mama de altfel
a murit tot in 2010 dar in martie. Am ramas singura si cum spuneam nu am reusit
sa mai achit si am fost data intai in executare bancara si dupa aceea in 2013
in executare judecatoreasca. Cu greu am reusit sa imi salvez apartamentul sa nu
mi-l scoata executorul la licitatie. Am mai cunoscut pe cineva care din nefericire
pt mine s-a stins si el in mai 2012 la 42 de ani. Am ramas iar singura cu tata
si el batran si bolnav si cu o pensie foarte mica . Si tata a decedat tot in
2012 in octombrie. In 2011 am suferit 2 operatii una de o tumora pe picior si
una de ocluzie intestinala iar in 2013 in martie alta ocluzie intestinala. Mi-e
si rusine sincer sa apar cumva ca si cum as cere de pomana pentru ca sunt
convinsa ca sunt alti oameni mult mai necajiti decat mine, dar as vrea sa ma
ajute cineva sa o pot lua de la 0. Iau salariul si credeti-ma ca nu imi ajunge
sa imi achit datoriile si uite asa esti prins intr-un cerc vicios din care nu
mai ai scapare. Va rog din suflet sa ma ajutati .Va multumesc . Va rog din
suflet ajutati-ma, sa trec peste aceasta perioada nefasta din viata mea, sa uit
de depresie si de gândurile suicidale, va rog mult si din suflet. Nu este o
suma mare cea de care am eu nevoie dar pentru mine ar fi salvatoare. Cu stima
Ioana Turcu Dumnezeu să vă binecuvânteze ! 0746320334. RO09INGB0000999900317260

Nicolae Cirpala
Consulting Online  for Life &
Бизнес Консультации и
советы для Жизни Онлайн  Николай Владимирович

Online consulting youth, students empower to create business and families since 1997 | Believe, study, invent, travel, change and perfect the world for good